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Master Arm

The Master Arm is a fully active robotic system, where all joints can move independently, unlike passive devices. Sharing the same joint configuration as the RB-Y1, it allows both task-level and joint-level mapping for teleoperation. Scaled to about 65% of the RB-Y1, the Master Arm is designed for user convenience, making it suitable for operation in smaller environments.

With redundant degrees of freedom, the Master Arm can perform identical tasks in various postures. Additionally, a single button press lets users switch between torque control and position control modes. The robot's gravity compensation feature ensures smooth movements in torque control mode by negating external forces caused by its weight.

Master Arm Control

Mounted on a tripod, the system can be easily repositioned to control the robot from different perspectives and angles, providing flexibility in teleoperation setups.

Master Arm on Tripod

This robotic system also features an intuitive handle equipped with a trigger and a button. Pressing the button makes the robot follow the user's movements, and releasing the button engages a position lock, allowing precise control during teleoperation. The trigger is mapped to the gripper, making it easy to control.

Master Arm Handle with Trigger and Button

The tripod allows the Master Arm to be freely moved and repositioned. This design gives operators the flexibility to control the robot from various positions and perspectives. By adjusting the tripod's height and angle, users can set up the system optimally for their tasks.

Master Arm on Tripod

rby1-sdk Released under the Apache License 2.0.