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Communication with PLC/HMI v3.2

Communication with PLC/HMI

When connecting Rainbow Robotics products and PLC/HMI products, the following communication methods can be used.
Supported communications may increase with system updates.

SIEMENSS7 ProtocolServer = PLC, Client = Robot
Modbus TCP MasterClient(Master) = Robot, Server(Slave) = PLC
Modbus TCP SlaveClient(Master) = PLC, Server(Slave) = Robot
RS232/485General Serial communication
TCP/IPGeneral TCP/IP communication
OMRONFINSServer = PLC, Client = Robot
Modbus TCP MasterClient(Master) = Robot, Server(Slave) = PLC
Modbus TCP SlaveClient(Master) = PLC, Server(Slave) = Robot
RS232/485General Serial communication
TCP/IPGeneral TCP/IP communication
MITSUBISHIMC Protocol 1E-BinaryServer = PLC, Client = Robot
MC Protocol 3E-BinaryServer = PLC, Client = Robot
Modbus TCP MasterClient(Master) = Robot, Server(Slave) = PLC
Modbus TCP SlaveClient(Master) = PLC, Server(Slave) = Robot
RS232/485General Serial communication
TCP/IPGeneral TCP/IP communication
LS ELEC.XGT ProtocolServer = PLC, Client = Robot
Modbus TCP MasterClient(Master) = Robot, Server(Slave) = PLC
Modbus TCP SlaveClient(Master) = PLC, Server(Slave) = Robot
RS232/485General Serial communication
TCP/IPGeneral TCP/IP communication
PROFACEMemory LinkServer = HMI, Client = Robot
M2I-TOPMemory LinkServer = HMI, Client = Robot