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Set-up (Coordinate)

This section is for configuring a user-defined coordinate system (User-Coordinate).


  1. Displays the Current User-Defined Coordinate System Information. The information is displayed relative to the manufacturer’s robot base coordinate system.

  2. Modify the Settings for User-Defined Coordinate Systems. You can set up to three user-defined coordinate systems.
    Each coordinate is defined with the robot arm base as the origin.
    Set the coordinate system through the 3-point setting.

    Point 1 (P1): This is the origin of the user-defined coordinate system.
    Point 2 (P2): This is any point on the X-axis of the user-defined coordinate system. It is recommended to set P2 as far from P1 as possible.
    Point 3 (P3): This is any point on the XY plane of the user-defined coordinate system. The direction of the Z-axis is determined based on the position of Point 3.