This is the screen where you can teach the robot. You can teach the robot arm using the icons at the top of the screen.
Use the icons listed on the right side of the screen to move the robot arm, and use the icons on the left side to edit the teaching content.
- Left Icons: Functions for editing the program structure, such as copy/paste/save/delete/comment.
- Right Icons: Basic robot jogging (Jog/Jogging) and other settings.
- Middle Icons: Functions for structuring the program are placed here.
- Bottom Icons: Interface elements like program save/load, play, speed control bar, etc.
- For a more detailed explanation of the icons and screen layout, refer to Chapter 7.
- In the Make menu (Manual mode), the robot will only operate while the movement-related button is being pressed. If the button is not pressed, the robot will not move.
This setting can be adjusted in Setup > Interface.